Mutual Submission
- 3 min read

Mutual Submission

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*This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.

Hello friends. Happy Saturday!

πŸŽ™οΈ Behind the Breakdown Recap

Thank you for listening this week. I am hearing so many of you that you are sharing the podcast with your friends. I cannot tell you how much that blesses our team. Please keep sharing. We are creating a community of Bible readers together.

🎧 My Favorite BibleBreakdown Episode This Week>>>

My favorite episode this week: Ephesians 5:21

πŸ“š Scripture. πŸ’ͺ

(Ephesians 5:21) And further, submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Observation: This podcast was hard to do because there are so many opinions. God’s Word doesn’t change, but the way we receive it over time does. No matter what time you live in, the idea of submitting to someone else has never been in style. However, God’s Word encourages us to submit to one another. God’s order for the home has nothing to do with personal value. He values us all the same. God’s order has to do with positional leadership and making sure all aspects are cared for properly. When we choose to submit to each other, great things can happen. However, it’s a lifelong journey to find that balance.

Application: Read over this text again. Think about what the next step could be toward finding this balance in your life. If you are not married, how can you prepare yourself for this reality one day.

Prayer: Thank You for helping us order our homes so we can find harmony… eventually. 

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✍️ Blog.

Why You Should Memorize God’s Word.

πŸ€” Question of the Week.

Is Christianity Unique and Are Other Religions False?

πŸ˜‚ Fun. Sinbad. Clean Stand Up Comedy.

πŸ“£ Sermon. Seeking the Lord. (Dr. Charles Stanley)

πŸ€” Apologetics. The Disturbing Movement You Need to Know About. (Interview about New Book on Deconstruction)

πŸ“š Bible Project. Elohim.

✍️ Going Deeper. The Doctrine of the Trinity. (RC Sproul)

✍️ CS Lewis. A Slip of the Tongue.

πŸ”₯ Hot Topic. MegaChurch Pastor Leaves Faith. How do we respond?

🧠 Mental Health. Life Will Change when you learn that you can learn. (Dr. Henry Cloud)

β€œI wish I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist had been available when I was an atheistβ€”it would have saved a lot of time in my spiritual journey toward God.” Lee Strobel, author, The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, and The Case for a Creator

🎧 Song of the Week. What A Beautiful Name It Is.

✍️ Quote of the Week

The Bible is not an end in itself, but a means to bring men to an intimate and satisfying knowledge of God, that they may enter into Him, that they may delight in His Presence, may taste and know the inner sweetness of the very God Himself in the core and center of their hearts. β€” A. W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

πŸ€ͺ Dad Joke of the week

Just got hospitalized due to a peekaboo accident.
They put me in the ICU.

πŸ˜‚ Funniest meme of the week