This is a weekly newsletter to share my favorite things from around the web, books, articles, and random observations.
A New Adventure: The Bible Breakdown Podcast
I have started a new podcast called “The Bible Breakdown Podcast.” This podcast has the ambitious goal of reading through the entire Bible together. Will we get there? I really hope so. I want to do it together and would love for you to join. Click this link to go to and podcast landing page. From there, you can choose the podcast platform you enjoy using the most.
Here’s How It Started:
Our church is on an adventure of reading through the entire Bible, one chapter at a time. A few weeks ago, we were about to start reading the Book of Leviticus. I am one of the few people who actually like Leviticus. Well… I respect Leviticus. My wife is not telling me how much she was dreading it. I asked if it would help if we read it together, and I explained this as we went. She would get a “Bible Tour Guide” to help her make it through the difficult places. She replied that was likely the only way she would make it and maybe some other people could benefit as well. So, we gave it a try. The end result was roughly 30 people reading through the entire book of Leviticus. That’s a big deal to me. I thought about discontinuing it again, but my dad suggested I give another book a try. The Gospel of Luke was next, and that went even better. Later, there were a few folks who said listening to each chapter on YouTube had massive drawbacks and suggested I try a podcast. You didn’t have to threaten me with a good time!
My favorite thing is to “nerd out” about the Bible. Now, here we are.
Here’s How It’s Going:
Today, we have had someone listen to every chapter we have published. That does not say much to some people. We don’t have many people who are listening, but somebody is. He called us to faithfulness and to do the best we can with what we have been given. I believe if we are faithful to what God has placed in front of us, He determines its fruitfulness. So, let’s do this. Currently, you can listen to the daily Bible reading as a podcast on Spotify, YouTube, Rumble, and so many other places.
Where We Are Going:
I feel my number one job as a pastor is to “feed God’s sheep” and to “equip the saints for ministry.” One of the primary ways I can do this is to help you enjoy reading your Bible. My hope is to act as a friendly neighborhood Bible Tour Guide and walk with you through the entire Bible, one chapter at a time. It will take us roughly three years to do, but think what we’ll gain in that time?! The reason we have called it the "Bible Breakdown" is because our hope is to break down each chapter into sections and give a little commentary along the way.
I also have no desire to just sit and read while you listen. I want to engage with my audience and create a community of Bible readers. What would it look like to talk about the Bible every day?! Sounds like Heaven to me. To do this, I am thinking of creating a Facebook Group or Page so we can have a place to "community." More coming soon.
Why you should read your Bible every day?
- It helps you know God more.
- It grows your wisdom.
- It helps you see the world differently.
- It brings joy… even in Leviticus.
So join me. Click here to subscribe to the podcast, and let’s read God’s Word together.
PS- I am thinking of changing up this newsletter a little to accommodate Bible reading. I’ll let you as I do, and look forward to hearing your feedback as we take this journey together.
To all my RLC family...
1. Easter has Come and Gone! Wow! What a wonderful day it was to celebrate with all of you! Thank you all for making it such a special day!
2. Real Men. This week's challenge was about reading and Memorizing God's Word. To join the challenges, be sure to text "rlcMen" to 94000. Next Event: May 20th.
2023, Let's grow DEEP and let God determine how HIGH!
🎧 The Bible Breakdown Podcast>>>
We will be finishing up The Gospel of Luke in a few days. Don't get too bummed, though. The Investigative Journalist will be back soon. He was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the Acts of the Apostles, too. Now, onward... to Numbers!
To get ready for our next adventure, check out a quick Introduction to The Book of Numbers.
💪 From My Blog This Week>>>
🐍 Storytime: Are there snakes at RLC? My long history with the topic of snakes takes another turn. For the first year of our church, we met in a movie theater, and people would ask me if we handled snakes. I could not figure out why… until one day. You’ll have to hear the story for yourself.
✅ Matthew 6:1-7,16-18 Check Yourself. This is an update from the most recent entry to our walk through the Gospel of Matthew. Jesus encourages us to "check ourselves" so we don't wreck our pursuit of God.
🖤 My Favorite Links This Week
⚡️ Leadership. Understand the Four Forms of Energy. Last week, I posted a video about planning your schedule around your energy rather than your opportunities. This will apply differently to people in different stages of life and from different walks of life. However, the bottom line is the same. Focus on your energy levels and do the most important tasks when your energy is the highest. I.e.-before work, after work, on weekends, etc.
🏈 Personal Growth. Tom Brady is the most successful quarterback in football history. This video says Tom Brady was very interested in winning. However, his goal was not primarily to win. His primary goal was to get better. He knew if he got better, the results would take care of themselves.
😈 Escaping the occult. This video was jarring. The lady went through so much and found Christ. She also goes hard against the Enneagram toward the end. I know this is an “untouchable topic” for many Christians today. I have made it as plain as I can about my concerns. Listen to a lady who has been on the “other side” talk about it.
🧔Men only. Purposefully Becoming a Violent Man. Favorite part- Learn violence so you don’t feel intimidated by threats. You can become a protector of the vulnerable. Violence plus character = safety.
🕺Men Only. Jocko’s 5-Year Plan. He says we shouldn’t make a plan that is too strict because plans rarely work out exactly what you want. Instead, head in a particular direction and keep yourself open to opportunities. Also, detach often and ensure you are not sliding into something you don’t want to stay with.
📖 Theology. What were the sacrifices really about? Dr. Michael Heiser, a beloved mentor of mine, has recently entered eternity. In this video, he explains what the Old Testament sacrifices were really all about.
🧠 Mental Health. How to Stop Overthinking Decisions. I seldom meet anyone who gets this one right all the time. Decisions can be difficult because they are rarely binary. One decision usually affects or creates 10 other situations. I really enjoyed this video and how we can stop overthinking our decisions. Favorite part- There are no “perfect decisions.”
🎧 Song of the Week- Closer (MavCity, feat. Brandon Lake) Such an awesome song to remember the closeness of the Lord. Since Genesis 3, God's goal has been to be close to His creation again.
📚Book of the Week- So Good They Can't Ignore You. Someone once asked the famous comedian Steve Martin how to get famous when there are so many people doing the same things. Steve Martin said, "Be so good they can't ignore you." In his book, Cal Newport does a deep dive into this idea and how most of us are trying to share ourselves with the world in the wrong way. The goal is to be consistent and good at what you do. This comes from a long time hammering away at the same craft. This book is worth reading more than once.
✍️ Quote of the Week
If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. -Eleanor Roosevelt
🤪 Dad Joke of the week
I'm so good at sleeping that I can do it with my eyes closed!
😂 Funniest meme of the week

Have a great week!