Let's Talk!
Hey friends. When beginning this new blog venture, the goal was to eventually try my hand at a weekly newsletter. The reasoning behind this is because...
- I meet with people many times who ask great questions. It has seemed a shame the only ones to enjoy it were the two in the room. These great conversations have made wonder if there was a way to share what I have learned with all of you.
- Hurting people are everywhere. If this could bring you a little joy and some tools along your journey, mission accomplished.
- I come across a lot of neat stuff I'll never use on Sunday but use all the time on Monday.
- As our church continues to grow, there simply isn't a way for me to stay closely connected with everyone. Perhaps this is a way to do so.
- I would love to keep you up to date on my future books, podcasts, and general ramblings.
Finally... I have two more... perhaps the most important...
- Maybe if I write a lot here, I won't say as much on Sunday morning. 🤣
- As our world continually gets more and more post-Christian, I want to help my friends live an authentic Christ-honoring life as I figure it out as well.
So, I have been sending out random blog posts, but this is slowly going to change. As I get more and more organized, my hope is to start sending you more... well organized content.
Below is my first try at this. Let me know what you would like to see in the future. Want to see more of something, let me know.
Want to see less of something... keep it to yourself. lol ...for real, let me know.
This week's 📪 Letters to RLC>>>
🖤 My Favorite things this week:
🧐 Apologetics- I had a couple really interesting questions this week about the Bible being divinely inspired and what that even means. It prompted me to look at an old entry on this.
🎄 Christmas soundtrack- It only comes around once a year. Might as well.

🤔 Most thought-provoking- I've been told all my life to "follow my passion." This book has been slowly helping me realize this is probably all wrong. Here is a video so you don't have to read the whole book if you are interested:

🙏 Worship song of the week:

🔝 📰 Top News-Related News- I found a really interesting news website that claims to "Give the gift of balanced news." So far, so good. Tell me if you agree.

✍️ Quote of the Week
Not really a quote but something I found interesting: From a recent poll on the Carey Nieuwhof website. How do you feel about 2023:
- Optimistic & Hopeful- 73%
- Discouraged & Anxious- 5%
- About the same as last year- 11%
- Too overwhelmed to think about it- 6%
🤪 Dad Joke of the week: I accidentally drank holy water with my laxatives.
I’m about to start a religious movement.
Hope you have a great weekend!