Welcome to the Friday Field Guide!
Hello friends.
Can I encourage you with something today?
There are more good people in the world than you think.
I woke up this morning to a news report of a doctor who was hit by a car while riding his bike. After getting out of the car, the driver stabbed the doctor in the back. There are some dark people in the world and it can be easy to become discouraged. This is not the world I want my kids to grow up in. But, let me encourage you today... there are still good people in the world.
My dad told me he was in the store earlier this week. He and a lady began talking while they shopped. Afterward, the lady walked back up to him and said, "Sir. I don't know you, but the Lord just put it on my heart to give you some money. It's not much, but I need to obey the Lord." She gave him $5 and went on about her day. It meant so much to my dad because, like all of us, he wonders what is happening in this world. It reminded him that there are still good people all around us. Not everyone is a villain.
Yes, there are bad actors out there. They are so broken and living in such darkness that all they know to do is attempt to break others. Hurting people hurt people. We must watch out for these people and defend ourselves when necessary. But, that is not all that's out there. There are good people just trying to get through life like us.
What if we entered our world looking to be the "good ones" and be difference-makers? I tried to do this yesterday. I was passing through a store and saw a guy with an epic beard. I said, "Sir, you won the prize for the greatest beard today." He looked at me like I was crazy, then smiled.
Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Just don't be that creepy person that won't go away. lol.
Bless and go. Bless and go.
If you would like to see the slowly building commentary we are creating, check out the King Jesus page on my blog here. I look forward to our stroll through God's Word together.
To all my RLC family...
1. King Jesus is Here. Thank you to everyone excited about jumping into God's Word with us. King Jesus is off and running! We are also ordering some of the King Jesus shirts for everyone. I cannot tell you what it means to your pastor that you are so excited to learn about Jesus. Also, check out the commentary blog to study further.
2. LifeGroups Launching. LifeGroups has been called by many the 'life blood" of RLC. That might be overstating it a bit, but we do love them a lot. Lasting life-change happens in the context of relationships. The problem is our groups are filling up. I am not sure we have had to close this many before launch. Please take a minute and go to our LifeGroups page to see if a group will fit your schedule.
3. Real Men | Real Women. I could not be more excited about the launch of two ministry hubs at RLC. We need each other more than ever. We need men to become a brotherhood and women to have a sisterhood. We need to grow together, challenge each other, and hold each other up. Check the worship guide this Sunday for the dates of the first events coming at the end of the month. (Psst. Men- Ours will March 3rd at the Bowling Green Ball Park.)
2023, Steady On!
This week's 📪 Letters to RLC>>>
Letters News- Thank you to everyone who has said you look forward to my "Letters to RLC" article each week. I sincerely enjoy doing them. However, there are so many things that need my attention right now. So, moving forwsard I will post a new "Letters" blog post once a month unless something happens I just cannot wait to tell you about. Here is the post for February about a passion pig farmer.
🖤 My Favorite Things This Week:
🗄️ Resources for Seekers- One of my favorite things is talking to someone seeking to know more about Jesus. Many people know these types of people as "seekers." After our conversation, I sent this person an email with links and resources to learn more about my King. I'm working on creating a blog page with all these resources here. It is posted but empty. Hopefully, it will be filled up soon. Place a comment at the bottom of the page with your favorite resources.
🤷🏻♂️ Real Talk- How to Think about the Transgender debate from a Biblical Worldview. This conversation is everywhere. Recently someone asked me if it was unloving to refuse to use someone's preferred pronouns. I had no idea. So, after a lot of research and prayer, the linked article is what I came up with. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
💡 Defending the Resurrection- Gary Habermas. One of the most important Christian doctrines is the Resurrection. If Jesus has not been raised, our faith is in vain. Watch Dr. Habermas, the foremost scholar on the Resurrection, blow you away with the evidence. Very encouraging.
🎧 Song- I Exalt Thee. (I'm old school). This week's song is for all my old school fam. There is something special about the song I Exalt Thee.
😬 Controversy- Should we stop endorsing Bethel? I need to be honest. I'm deeply concerned about what I hear coming out of Bethel Church these days. Bethel Church in Redding, California has been the launching pad for many great music anthems that churches around the world sing. If the song in the previous link are being sang by folks from Bethel. But, there are also a lot of wild and crazy theologies coming out of that place as well. This link is from a very trusted YouTuber named Mike Winger and his deep dive into one of the main books promoted by their church. Not sure what to do with this but it's been heavy on me this week.
🕺 Men Only- Mike Rowe's "The Way I Heard It" Podcast. Mike is just a man's man. I love his baritone voice and man-centric humor. I find myself feeling like he and I are friends talking back and forth on a road trip. This podcast contains short clips of Mike telling stories with an interesting twist at the end. Good stuff.
✍️ Quote of the Week:
“Why quit? You’ll have to start something else to take its place that will be just as hard.”
🤪 Dad Joke of the week:
Police have arrested the World tongue-twister Champion.
They said he'll be given a tough sentence.
😂 Funniest meme of the week:

Hope you have a great weekend!