Bible Study

The Bible Breakdown
The Bible Breakdown is a daily podcast. We read God’s Word together and explain it along the way. Join Pastor Brandon Cannon and his unique way of describing God’s Word with joy and wonder. We’re on a journey to know God more every day.

Old Testament

Genesis- The Beginning of it all.

Exodus- The journey toward freedom begins.

Leviticus- Holiness. Salvation is free. Freedom is a journey.

Numbers- Learning to Trust God.

Deuteronomy- The Second Law. Choose life.

Joshua- Holy Conquest.

Judges- The "Real Housewives" of the OT.

Ruth- A Lifetime of Faithfulness.

1 Samuel- God's Providence Despite Our Silliness.

2 Samuel- God Qualifies the Called.

1 Kings- God Tells the Whole Story.

2 Kings- Actions Have Consequences.

1 Chronicles- When God is With You, Hope Never Dies

2 Chronicles- God is With Those Who Are Faithful

Ezra- Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

Nehemiah- The Joy of the Lord Is Our Strength

Esther- God Takes A Mess And Makes Something Beautiful

Job- Trust God's Wisdom in Suffering

Ecclesiastes- The Key to Life

Song of Solomon- The Power of Love

Isaiah- God Our Salvation

Jeremiah- God's Light in Darkness

Lamentations- Hope in the Dark

Ezekiel- God’s Promise of Renewal

More of the Old Testament is coming soon.

New Testament

Matthew- The Gospel of the True Messiah-King.

Mark - The Gospel of the Servant King.

Luke- The Gospel of the Savior for Lost People Everywhere.

John- The Gospel of the Divine Logos. Creator of it All.

Acts- The birth of the church.

Romans- The Gospel presented from creation to new creation.

1 Corinthians- The Gospel of Jesus Christ is relevant to every dimension of church life.

2 Corinthians- Embrace and follow the way of Jesus that transforms lives.

Galatians- Freedom from sin. Freedom to live free.

Ephesians- The Church of Jesus Christ.

Philippians- The Joy-filled life.

Colossians- The Supremacy of Christ.

1 Thessalonians- Our concern for the truth.

2 Thessalonians- Living in hope.

1 Timothy- Instructions to a Young Pastor.

2 Timothy- A Charge for Faithful Ministry.

Titus- A Manual for Conduct.

Philemon- Forgiveness.

Hebrews- The Superiority of Christ.

James- Genuine Faith.

1 Peter- Responding to Suffering- Stay Faithful.

2 Peter- Warning Against False Teaching.

1 John- Fellowship with God.

2 John- Loving Others Within Boundaries.

3 John- Christian Hospitality.

Jude- Contending for the Faith.

Revelation- The Unveiling of the Glory of Jesus Christ.