Book Review: Federal Husband (Douglas Wilson)
- 3 min read

Book Review: Federal Husband (Douglas Wilson)

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Book: Federal Husband
Author: Douglas Wilson

Quick Thoughts.

Highly recommended for any man who wants to take steps toward being a more God-honoring husband. This book would be great to read with your spouse. If you read this book as a devotion you will find that some chapters will be challenging, some chapters you will likely already be doing well in, and some you may disagree with entirely. However, it will spark great conversations.

    • Read it prayerfully.
    • Read it with your spouse.
    • Read it to consider, not necessarily adopt.
    • Take one small step at a time.


Federal Husband is a thought-provoking book by Douglas Wilson that examines the biblical role of a husband as the covenant head of his family. Wilson challenges the modern cultural narrative of marriage, calling husbands to lead, protect, and serve their families in a Christ-centered way. As a pastor and husband, I found this book both inspiring and convicting. Wilson doesn’t just outline what leadership should look like—he gets to the heart of what it means to take responsibility before God for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of our wives and children.

What struck me most was his emphasis on covenant faithfulness. It’s not enough to simply provide or go through the motions; we are called to actively shepherd our families, modeling Christ’s sacrificial love. The book pushed me to evaluate my priorities and challenged me to serve my family more intentionally, especially in areas where I had grown complacent.


Wilson draws on scripture to redefine what it means to be a husband in the context of biblical covenant theology. The concept of “federal headship” refers to a husband being the representative and leader of his household, just as Adam represented humanity and Christ represents the church. This headship is not about domination but about selfless service and covenantal responsibility.

Key Themes in the Book:

  1. Covenantal Responsibility: A husband’s role is rooted in covenant faithfulness, reflecting God’s unwavering commitment to His people.
  2. Servant Leadership: True headship means leading like Christ, who sacrificed Himself for the church.
  3. Cultural Pushback: Wilson critiques modern egalitarian views and calls for a return to biblical roles within marriage.
  4. Practical Applications: The book outlines specific ways husbands can nurture, discipline, and disciple their families in a way that honors God.

Action Steps

  1. Prioritize Your Family’s Spiritual Growth
  • Devote Time to Prayer and Scripture: Pray daily for your wife and children. Lead family devotions, ensuring that God’s Word is central in your home.
  • Set the Tone for Worship: Make attending and participating in church a family priority.
  1. Lead Through Service
  • Identify Needs: Ask your wife and children how you can better serve them. Listen intentionally.
  • Be Present: Spend focused, undistracted time with your family. Turn off work and technology to invest in quality moments.
  • Model Humility: Acknowledge your failures and ask for forgiveness when necessary.
  1. Love Like Christ
  • Sacrificial Love: Look for ways to put your wife’s and children’s needs above your own preferences.
  • Encourage and Build Up: Speak words of affirmation and encouragement regularly.
  1. Take Responsibility for Discipline
  • Be Consistent: Establish clear boundaries and lovingly enforce them.
  • Discipline with Grace: Avoid harshness, reflecting the patience and mercy of God.
  1. Teach and Disciple
  • Seize Teachable Moments: Use everyday life to teach your children about God’s truth.
  • Invest in Your Marriage: Continue learning about biblical manhood and husbandry to grow in your role.

Bottom Line

Federal Husband is not just a book; it’s a wake-up call for husbands to embrace their God-given role with humility and purpose. As a pastor, I’ve seen the need for stronger, Christ-centered families in the church, and this book reminded me that it starts with me. As a husband, I’ve been challenged to love my wife and children more intentionally, reflecting the covenantal love of Christ.

This book isn’t for the faint of heart—it will convict and stretch you. But if you’re willing to apply its principles, you’ll find yourself equipped to better serve your family and glorify God in your marriage.