Book Review: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
- 3 min read

Book Review: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer addresses one of the greatest challenges of modern life: the relentless pace that leads to stress, distraction, and a lack of spiritual depth. Comer invites readers to slow down and embrace a life modeled after Jesus’ unhurried way of living, which is essential for spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. The book is inspired by the wisdom of Dallas Willard, who famously said, “Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life in our day. You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.

Quick Synopsis

John Mark Comer begins by diagnosing the cultural epidemic of hurry. We live in a world where busyness and productivity are often idolized, leading to anxiety, shallow relationships, and spiritual dryness. Comer points out that this hurried lifestyle is incompatible with following Jesus, who lived a life of simplicity, solitude, and connection with God. He argues that in order to experience the abundant life Jesus promises, we must slow down, simplify, and focus on what truly matters: our relationship with God and people.

Comer introduces four practices, or spiritual disciplines, that can help combat hurry and cultivate a deeper, more intentional way of life: Silence and Solitude, Sabbath, Simplicity, and Slowing. Each of these practices helps to recalibrate our lives toward rest, presence, and purpose. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, Comer lays out a blueprint for how to embrace a slower, more meaningful way of life.

Practical Action Steps

Comer’s message is not just theoretical; it’s a call to action. Here are some practical steps drawn from the book that you can implement to begin ruthlessly eliminating hurry from your life.

1- Practice Silence and Solitude.

Action Step: Set aside 5-10 minutes each day for silence and solitude. Find a quiet space to be alone with God, away from distractions. Focus on listening to God, calming your mind, and centering your thoughts on Him.

Why It Matters: In a world filled with noise, silence helps us connect with God on a deeper level and listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Solitude teaches us to rely on God rather than the constant activity of life.

2- Embrace the Sabbath

Action Step: Dedicate one day each week to rest and worship. On this day, refrain from work, and instead spend time in worship, prayer, enjoying nature, or engaging in activities that refresh your soul.

Why It Matters: Sabbath is not just about physical rest but about spiritual renewal. Comer argues that Sabbath is a gift from God, meant to help us slow down, realign our priorities, and enjoy His presence without the distractions of daily work.

3- Simplify Your Life

Action Step: Take inventory of your life, both materially and in terms of commitments. What are you holding onto that is not essential? Declutter your home, say “no” to extra obligations, and free up time for what truly matters.

Why It Matters: Simplicity creates space for the things that matter most—your relationship with God, family, and meaningful work. As you simplify, you’ll find more room for peace and joy.

4- Practice Slowing

Action Step: Intentionally slow down your pace. Walk or drive slower than usual, resist the urge to multitask, and focus on being fully present in each moment. Eat meals slowly, savor conversations, and limit your time on digital devices.

Why It Matters: Slowing is a countercultural practice that teaches us patience, mindfulness, and presence. By intentionally slowing down, we become more aware of God’s presence in the everyday moments of life and can build deeper connections with others.

5- Digital Detox

Action Step: Schedule regular breaks from technology. Try a digital Sabbath where you unplug from social media, emails, and entertainment for a set period. Start small—maybe one day a week—and see how it affects your mental and emotional health.

Why It Matters: Our constant connection to technology contributes to the feeling of being hurried and overwhelmed. Taking intentional breaks from digital devices helps clear mental clutter, reduce stress, and improve focus on God and relationships.

6- Prioritize Relationships

Action Step: Set aside time to invest in meaningful relationships. This could be as simple as having a weekly dinner with family or friends, or taking time to listen deeply to someone without rushing to the next task.

Why It Matters: Jesus placed great value on relationships. In our hurried lives, we often neglect the people closest to us. By slowing down and being present, we create space for deeper connections and show love to those around us.

John Mark Comer’s The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is a timely reminder that the way of Jesus is one of rest, simplicity, and presence. By practicing silence, Sabbath, simplicity, and slowing, we can begin to eliminate the hurry that robs us of peace and joy. These practical steps are more than self-help strategies—they are spiritual disciplines that invite us to live more deeply connected to God and others. As we embrace this unhurried way of life, we’ll find that we are more present to God, to ourselves, and to the people He has placed in our lives.