Welcome to the Friday Field Guide!
Hello friends.
Have you ever read something and had a physical reaction to it? Maybe it was while reading a pregnancy test. Perhaps it happened when discovering some great or devastating news on social media. Maybe it was reading a text message that changed your life forever. Do you remember having a physical reaction? Did you laugh out loud or double over in pain? Was it somewhere in between?
Well, I had a physical reaction to something I read this week. I laughed out loud and was amazed because I thought one of my leadership heroes had finally got something wrong. I have been a student of history all of my life. One of the aspects of history I enjoy the most is studying past US presidents. My favorite president of all time is Abraham Lincoln. I am fascinated at how these men get to the top of such a competitive ladder. I am even more amazed at how Lincoln assumed the presidency while facing the tremendous task of navigating the Civil War.
Everything I have ever read about him has been enjoyable and usable. Until now, or so I thought. Here is what I read.
"People are about as happy as they choose to be."
I thought he had finally got one wrong when I first read this. I laughed out loud. There are so many details to consider when thinking about someone's happiness. It is hard to be happy when dealing with mental health issues, family issues, or a tragedy. Surely it cannot be left to choice. Then I realized he faced all of those. Lincoln is a grand master at navigating disappointment, devastation, and tragedy. So, if someone like him says that happiness can be a choice, we should consider it.
After thinking through this idea, he is telling the truth. This doesn't mean it's easy, far from it. However, the fact remains that happiness can be a choice. It is a decision to make the best of a bad situation. The biggest question is, how?
Here is a couple I am working on, and they are helping.
- Thankfulness. I write three things I am thankful for every day.
- Reflection. I take time to remember how the things I am complaining about are things I use to pray for.
- Journaling. This is helpful because getting your thoughts out in a judgment-free zone is sometimes good.
How about you? Do you think it is possible to "decide" to be happy? What do you do to make this happen?
To all my RLC family...
1. Leviticus is here. I had so many people telling me they read our daily SOAP Bible reading plan every day. It has been such an honor to read the Bible together. However, people are telling me they are skipping Leviticus. Don't do it! All of God's Word is valuable. You just need a tour guide. That's where I come in. Every day, I will send you a link to a video where we will read the Bible together. If you want these sent as a text message, text "rlcBible" to 94000.
2. Real Men. It is next week! It's free but we do need you to sign up so we can know how much to prepare. Click this link to let us know you're coming.
Also guys... text "rlcMen" to 94000 to get specific text alerts about the men's event details.
2023, Let's grow DEEP and let God determine how HIGH!
This month's πͺ Lettean excellentLC>>>
π€ My Facouldgs This Week
π€£ If Bible Characters Had iPhones. John Christ is a hilarious comedian who does a quick spoof on what it would look like for someone in the Bible to have a phone. Great stuff! Link. Β
3οΈβ£ 3 Hills to Die On- I've been thinking a lot about what matters and what doesn't. As a Christians, are we taking stands on the right things? When should we take a stand and when should we let things go? Let's process this together here.
π Why Be Happy? In keeping with the theme above, this video talks about being happy as a moral obligation toward our neighbors. Others should be blessed by our attitudes. Β We have the ability to affect our feelings through our actions.
π£ Β God is Not Going Out With a Whimper. God is moving. People all over are saying God is moving in their lives. It's not just at places like Asbury. God is doing great things in our church, in RLC LifeGroups, and on our Tuesday night prayer service. In this link, Dr. Brown talks about the goodness of the Lord increasing for those who seek after Him.
πΊ Men Only - Masculinity Manifesto with Ryan Michler. This video speaks about the growing call for manhood and what to do about it. Very interesting stuff.
πBook of the Week- Show Your Work. This book was actually the genesis for this weekly email. If you have ever been interested in showing others what you create, this book will almost force you to do something about it. I have read it several times and picked up something new every time.
π§ Song of the Week- Come Again. I cannot get this song by Elevation out of my head. The lead vocals come from Mav City and Brandon Lake. My favorite lyric: "It's not a building You want to fill. It's my heart."
βοΈ Quote of the Week
βPeople are about as happy as they decide to be.β Abraham Lincoln
π€ͺ Dad Joke of the week
What part of a cake is the best at baseball? The batter. (Thank you, Chris Durham)
π Funniest meme of the week

Hope you have a great weekend!