Like a good detective, let's examine this book.
🔥 Overview
The book of Esther has the unique privilege of being the only book of the Bible that does not mention God. However, even though God's name is not mentioned, He is everywhere. He shows us how He can take a mess and make something beautiful.
🔍 Things to Notice
- No mention of God's Name.
- Esther is not her real name.
- Esther was alive at about the same time as Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel, and others.
🙏 Jesus in this Book
(Every book reveals the glory of God, displayed in Christ Jesus)
- Jesus is the Rescuer of Nations.
👀 Themes
- God's faithfulness.
- God's unseen hand.
- Doing the right thing for the right reason.
😀 Who?
Who wrote it? Unknown. Possible Mordecai.
Who is the original audience? The nation of Israel.
🪧 Where?
Where are we? The capital of the Persian Empire, Susa.
⏳ When?
When was it written: 440-400 BC
🤔 What?
What is the big idea? God places us at the right place, at the right time, to make a difference. He can take the worst mess and make something beautiful. This shows the Jewish nation how the festival of Purim came to be.
🧐 Why?
Why is this book important?
From Chuck Swindoll, "Esther is the only book in the Bible not to mention the name of God. But that is not to say that God was absent. His presence permeates much of the story, as though He were behind the scenes coordinating “coincidences” and circumstances to make His will happen.
Much like the book of Ruth, this book stands as one of the most skillfully written biblical books. Using eight feasts to systematically build and resolve suspense, the author constructed the story chiastically—using a Hebrew literary device in which events mirror each other inversely. Early listeners to the story would have recognized significant events and followed the rising tension with understanding.
Haman, the king’s evil second-in-command, was a descendant of Agag, king of the Amalekites, who were ancient enemies of God’s people (Numbers 24:7; 1 Samuel 15:8). He cast the lot, called “pur,” in order to determine the day that the Jews would be exterminated (Esther 3:7–9). The feast of Purim, still celebrated by Jews today, commemorates the Jews’ deliverance from Haman’s plot (9:24–32)."
📝 How?
How can I apply it? Realize that you are never forgotten. God knows where you are. He has you where you are for a reason. Don't look for promotion. Look to be promotable. At the right time, it will all make sense.