Evangellyfish - Douglas Wilson
- 3 min read

Evangellyfish - Douglas Wilson

Be careful in casting immediate judgement. Occasionally the jerk is actually innocent.

Rating: 7/10.
Where to read: It's FREE on Kindle Unlimited

My Thoughts

This is a fictional book with a moral by Douglas Wilson. He talks about a pastor who was no holy man. He had been guilty of many, many things so no one is surprised when a news story breaks of another scandal. The problem is he’s actually innocent this time. As the detectives inquire, it becomes increasingly more obvious that this pastor would never do what he’s been accused of because he’s dealing with much bigger issues. Douglas Wilson weaves an interesting tale that will probably be more enjoyable if you grew up in church. It’s the “worst-case scenario” for church leaders and the over-the-top manner will have you chuckling more than once.

Who Should/Should Not Read This Book

Should- Anyone who grew up in or around church leadership. This story is a morality tale of how sin will find you out and the danger of casting judgement. The little ‘insiders’ that will get thrown your way in the process will also be fun while Wilson tackles some topics many church people find themselves guilty of.

Should Not- If you have struggled with trusting pastors or church people in the past, don’t read this book. Wilson is purposefully painting these characters in an over-the-top fashion. If you try to take this story literally, it will likely do more harm than good.

Quick Summary

Life is messy. Jesus requires holiness for a reason. When left to our own devices, things go downhill fast.

Bullet Point Takeaways

  • Be careful in your judgment. Occasionally the jerk is innocent.
  • Be sure your sins will find you out.
  • Even when you think you are getting away with sin, most people know.

Goodreads Bio

Evangellyfish is a ruthless, grimly amused, and above all honest look at one of the darkest corners in the western world. Douglas Wilson, a pastor of more than thirty years, paints a vivid and painful picture of evangelical boomchurch leadership. . . in bed.

Chad Lester's kingdom is found in the Midwest. His voice crawls over the airwaves, his books are read by millions (before he reads them), and thousands ride the escalators into the sanctuary every Sunday. And Saturday. And Wednesday, too. He is the head pastor of Camel Creek—a CEO of Soul. And souls come cheap, so he has no overhead.

When Lester is (falsely) accused of molesting a young male counselee, his universe begins to crumble. He is a sexual predator, yes. But strictly straight (and deeply offended that anyone would suggest otherwise). Detectives, reporters, assistant pastors, and old lovers and pay-offs all come out to play.

John Mitchell is also a pastor, but he has no kingdom to speak of—only smalltime choir feuds. He is thrilled at the great man's fall, but his joy quickly fades when the imploding Lester calls him—and a lover or two—for help. How low can grace go? Whores, thieves, and junkies, sure. But pastors?


“Nine times out of ten, the coarse word is the word that condemns an evil and the refined word the word that excuses it. G.”
“They weren’t really looking for repentance; postmodern irony would do.”
“This is as good a place as any to insist that all the characters in Evangellyfish are fictional, and I made them all up out of my own head. Any resemblance to any real people, living or dead, is their own darn fault. If they quit acting like that, the resemblance would cease immediately and we wouldn’t have to worry about it.“