God's Plan For You Is Freedom
- 3 min read

God's Plan For You Is Freedom

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*This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.

Hello friends. Happy Saturday!

🎙️ Behind the Breakdown Recap

God's Word is fresh every morning. It's an honor to read God's Word together.

🎧 My Favorite BibleBreakdown Episode This Week>>>

📚 Scripture. 💪

(Titus 2:14) He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds.

Observation: The verse above is profound and worthy of thinking on for quite a while. Jesus gave His life for us so that we could be free. Full stop. That’s it. That freedom gives us the ability to conquer sin and do the good things He has created us to do. God gets nothing personally out of our freedom. He is already doing fine without us. Our freedom is purely for us. How many times have we had people in our lives who were kind and helped us, but we knew there was something in it for them? Even if that “something” was our friendship. God wasn’t even promised that. Romans 5:8 says that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. It’s hard to get my mind around that kind of love.

Application: Realize that God’s plan for you is freedom. Celebrate His love for you today.

Prayer: Thank You for loving me more than I will ever be able to understand.

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✍️ My Blog.

What is Salvation? (Deep Dive)

🤔 Question of the Week.

Can You Lose Your Salvation? (Dr. Frank Turek)

📣 Sermon. Living Faithfully in Babylon. (Voddie Baucham)

🤔 Apologetics. 10 Affirming Arguments for Same-Sex Unions: A Biblical Response. (Sean McDowell)

✍️ Going Deeper. Doctrine of the Trinity- 3.

🔥 Hot Topic. Is Ben Shapiro an AntiChrist? (Michael Brown)

🧠 Mental Health. How to Set Boundaries.

📚 BookLeadership and Emotional Sabotage. (Click Here To Read My Review)
For every genuine act of leadership, there is an equal and monstrous act of sabotage. The agitated and anxious have entirely routed our leaders. These emotional tyrannies manifest themselves in local libraries, HR cubicles, elder meetings, and at your Thanksgiving dinners. In this book, Professor Joe Rigney seeks to recover the nerve of old that steadied leaders to make tough calls. The nerve that braces them when sabotage comes--because it will. The nerve that has more fun than its enemies.

🕺 Biblical Manhood. Good Things Add Up.

🎧 Song of the Week. Forever Holy.

✍️ Quote of the Week That Makes You Think

We’re not asking people to believe what the Bible says about God, just “because it says so.” No. We want people to believe the Bible because of the wealth of good evidence that has demonstrated the Bible to be trustworthy…hundreds of fulfilled prophecies…thousands of archaeological discoveries…numerous details in the Bible that have been corroborated by extrabiblical historical sources, and so on. –Charlie Campbell

🤪 Dad Joke of the week

I went to the aquarium this weekend, but I didn’t stay long. There’s something fishy about that place.

😂 Funniest meme of the week