Like a good detective, let's examine this book.
🔥 Overview
The book of Job is an example of how to suffer well. In this book, you will see what to do when the worst happens. It's okay to grieve, complain, and have a momentary pity-party. It is not OK to give up. The book of Job is a great reminder that God is in control, there is always more going on than we realize, and God is more faithful than we can imagine.
🔍 Things to Notice
- Most of this book happens in the context of one long conversation.
- God never tells Job what has been going on behind the scenes.
- Almost the entire book of Job is written in the Hebrew poetic genre.
🙏 Jesus in this Book
(Every book reveals the glory of God, displayed in Christ Jesus)
- Jesus is the Redeemer and Advocate.
👀 Themes
- How to Suffer Well.
- How to Trust God.
- Spiritual Warfare is Real.
- Sometimes, Friends Get it Wrong.
- Don't Give Up When You Don't Understand.
😀 Who?
Who wrote it? Unknown. Possibly Solomon or Moses.
Who is the original audience? The nation of Israel.
🪧 Where?
Where are we? The land of Uz. During the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, this would have been just outside the land of Cannan.
⏳ When?
When was it written: During the lifetime of the perspective authors. The setting is during the lifetime of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
🤔 What?
What is the big idea? Job does not know what is going on, but a major spiritual battle is happening. Job is fighting through faithfulness. He also has to contend with friends who are making things worse. He finally hears from God and realizes that his job is not to criticize but to trust the Lord.
🧐 Why?
Why is this book important?
From Chuck Swindoll, "The Israelites categorized Job within their wisdom literature. The book includes language from ancient legal proceedings, laments, and unique terms not found elsewhere in the Bible. In addition, the majority of Job is written in parallel lines, which are indicative of poetry.
The book delves into issues near to the heart of every human who experiences suffering. The prologue provides a fascinating peek into the back story—why God allowed Satan to afflict Job with such pain and turmoil. Then, through a series of dialogues and monologues arranged in a pattern of threes, human wisdom attempts to explain the unexplainable until finally, God Himself speaks.
The final chapters of Job record God’s masterful defense of His majesty and unique “otherness”—of God’s eternal transcendence above creation—in contrast with Job’s humble and ignorant mortality. “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? / Tell Me if you have understanding”
📝 How?
How can I apply it? At some point, everyone I know has asked the question, "Why God?" The answer is true but not always comforting. The truth is that God sees more than we see, knows more than we know, and does more than we can determine. Sometimes He helps us understand, and sometimes He doesn't. At some point, you have to decide if you can trust the Lord. The same God who sent His Son to die in your place is the same one in charge right now. If He loves you that much, you and I can still trust Him now.