Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
- 3 min read

Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing

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*This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.

Hello friends. Happy Saturday!

πŸŽ™οΈ Behind the Breakdown Recap

God's Word reminds us not to get sidetracked by things that are not worth our attention. This can be very hard to live out because everything can seem important. Never let the urgent take the place of the important. It's important to keep up our habit of reading God's Word every day. Don't be discouraged. You're building something beautiful.

🎧 My Favorite BibleBreakdown Episode This Week>>>

πŸ“š Scripture. πŸ’ͺ

(1 Timothy 6:20 NLT) β€œTimothy, guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge.”

Observation:  It is very easy to get sidetracked with anything we do. In our modern time, we are more connected to the opinions of others. This can cause us to want to fight every battle and β€œdie on every hill.” This is not new to our own time. People have always struggled with knowing what to stand for and what to let pass. Knowing when to involve yourself in an argument and when to leave it to others can always be tricky. Paul is reminding Timothy to β€œstay in your lane.” You cannot die on every hill. However, there is a lane that you have been called to, and God’s purpose for you is there. In our lives, we cannot join in every argument or become part of everything. We can figure out what God has gifted and called us to do. Then, we stay in that lane and do it with our whole hearts. We can cover it all together if I do that and you do that. 

Application: Figure out what God has called you to do and be faithful to it. Then, let others take care of all the other things. 

Prayer: Reveal to us where we can make the most difference, then stay faithful to it. 

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✍️ My Blog.

If God, Why Is There Evil?

πŸ€” Question of the Week.

Why Are Christians Confused?

πŸ€” Christian Philosophy. The Philosophy of Augustine.

πŸ“£ Sermon. What Every Christian Needs to Know About Biblical Interpretation: A Book Discussion 1

πŸ€” Apologetics. Investigating the Eyewitness accounts of Jesus Christ.

✍️ Going Deeper. Is Anything Worth Believing In? (John Lennox)

πŸ”₯ Hot Topic. What is the difference between Subjective and Objective morality?

🧠 Mental Health. Stop Coping Start Resolving.

πŸ•Ί Biblical Manhood. A Man and His Wife. (Douglas Wilson)

🎧 Song of the Week. This is Living.

✍️ Quote of the Week That Makes You Think

Folks, if we could lose our salvation, we would. ~ Voddie Baucham

πŸ€ͺ Dad Joke of the week

How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.

πŸ˜‚ Funniest meme of the week