This is the very beginning of a dream. I have had a dream for a long time of creating an online commentary for whomever might find it useful. Therefore, this is the beginning of something that I hope someone will find useful. This page will change a lot as I am sure my entire website will change over time... as I have time. Thank you for your patience.
(Links for further study)
John the Baptist
Pharisees and Sadducees
The 12 Disciples- Simon, Andrew, James, John (coming soon)
King Jesus: The Prologue
Title: The Journey Begins
Matthew 1:1-17
Title: The Journey Begins
Matthew 1:18-25
Title: The Kind of Person God Uses
Matthew 2:1-12
Title: How We Worship
Matthew 2:13-23
Title: God Knows the Way
Matthew 3
Title: The Celebration of Baptism
Matthew 4:1-11
Title: I Am A Child of God
Matthew 4:12-25
Title: We Move Forward