This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.
Hello friends. Happy Friday. It's been another amazing week reading God's Word together. Thank you for taking the journey.
š§ My Favorite Bible Breakdown Episode>>>
My favorite episode this week: Numbers 33.
Looking Back to Look Forward
The nation of Israel is about to finally go into the Promised Land. Just before starting their push to the Jordan River, Moses takes a chapter and rehearses all the places they have been. This is a great lesson for us. We should always take time and remember all the amazing things God has brought us through. While I was trying to read all those crazy names, it was both hilarious and a little frustrating. I was tempted to skip a couple... but I didn't. I couldn't. Each of those names represents a place. Each of those places is a marker of God's faithfulness. What names would be markers of God's faithfulness in your life? Maybe a name would be middle school or med school. It may be surviving a difficult season or raising your child through the teenage years. No matter what that season was, God brought you through and is now taking you forward. Listen to it here.

The more we dig, the more we find. To get acquainted with the Book of Numbers, read a quick Introduction to The Book of Numbers.
Our Facebook Community Is Growing
Thank you for sharing our new Facebook group. People are starting to join, and we now have almost 100 people! Thank you for sharing God's Word with me. The goal is to give us a place to share ideas and insights, ask questions, and more. Click here to join the discussion.

Want to Get Involved?
As a possible Facebook Group Administrator, I need someone who likes engaging with people about the Bible. If this is your thing, email me here.
To all my RLC family...
1- Baptism Sunday Part 2 is This Weekend! If you have been baptized at RLC, wear your baptism shirt! If you want to know more about baptism, it's not too late! Ā
2- Real Men. Hey guys. The new podcast called "Real Men" is now live. Click here to listen.
2023, Let's grow DEEP and let God determine how HIGH!
šŖ From My Blog This Week>>>
Story Time: Helicopter. I have massive motion sickness issues and discovered why that and helicopters should never go together. Enjoy. Let's talk about it.
š¤ My Favorite Links This Week
š¤£ Fun. Song: I've Got a Feeling (Marvin Winans). This song is fun. I came from an "old school" background like this. If you came from something similar, you know this song. Link.
š§ Men Only- 6 Lessons from the Most Disciplined Man Alive- Jocko. This guy is the one who made the phrase "discipline equals freedom" famous. He gives insight into life. Link.
š§ Mental Health- Dr. Cloud Discusses Gaslighting. How do you know if this is happening to you or if you are doing this to someone? Let's find out. Link.
šŗCulture- The Real Origin of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt. The topic has been in the media a lot recently. Here are the facts. Link.
š Apologetics- All other religions point to Jesus. All other religions point to Jesus. This is an exciting conversation starter with someone who is not a believer. Link.
š® Testimony- Rosaria Butterfield. I have been acquainted with this lady for over a year now. Her testimony is amazing. My favorite aspect is that she was invited into the home of someone who did not agree with her lifestyle, didn't hide it, and didn't reject her. I have repeatedly heard that those who truly love someone will not hide the truth without malice. Link.
š® Powerful Sermon- Our Future Hope. HB Charles, Jr. Link.
š§ Song of the Week- From the Inside Out (Hillsong United, Chris Tomlin) This is a powerful song about God's ability to change our lives entirely from the inside out.
šBook of the Week- Live Your Truth (Alisa Childers)
āļø Quote of the Week
Famous last words of every idiot, "Watch this?"
š¤Ŗ Dad Joke of the week
I only know 25 alphabet letters ā I don't know y..
š Funniest meme of the week

Have a great week!