When I was a kid, our church use to have 'bulletins.' Bulletins were your one-stop-shop guide to everything going on in church life. We knew who had been born, who died, when things were happening, and what to do about it all. These handy things were replaced with various different types of technology.
I cannot remember the last time the church was the first one to break the news about anything. Social media is an info-hound's dream come true. Ha! This is a great thing and I celebrate the church's ability to leverage technology to keep people connected. The only piece of the bulletin I miss is what we use to call the "Pastor's Corner." The "Pastor's Corner" was a place where the pastor could talk about something going on in church life, something happening in the world, or really give us hope and direction. I use to look forward to the Pastor's Corner because it helped me see how to view life from a different, eternal lens. I've been thinking about incorporating a "Pastor's Corner" into my blog writing. In order to update it with my own flare, I'll probably label it "Letters to RLC."
The hope is to share anything that has really grabbed me that week, something specific I'm processing, or to generally talk through how we can see ourselves through an eternal lens. So, the next time you see a blog entry entitled "Letters to RLC," you'll know what you are in for. Also, if you never see them again, you'll know it was a bad idea.
I'm sure this will grow and morph over time. Perhaps it will eventually become a tshirt. ha!
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