TLDR- Freedom from worry over finances can come when we are financially responsible, worship God through tithing, and trust the Lord always to open doors of blessing.
I know more people who struggle with their finances than in any other area of life. They work late, get extra hours, fight with their families, and deal with enormous anxiety due to financial worries.
The problem is real, and the solution seems counterintuitive. God plans to bring you peace and honor to Himself so that you NEVER worry about your finances again. Are you ready? Here we go. First, we are going to discover the problem. Then, we will look at the solution.

Step One: Diagnose the Problem- The Cycle of Fear 😱
We live in a culture that celebrates consumerism. Almost everything we see is trying to sell us something. The result is that we tend to spend more than we earn. There is also the pressure to "keep up" with everyone else. Then, when problems come, we are in trouble.
We spend money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't know or like.
This creates a cycle of fear. We are constantly borrowing from the future to pay for our past mistakes. This problem is not new. When the nation of Israel returned to its homeland, it struggled to keep its head above water. God wanted to help, but they were unwilling to abide by His plan for blessing. The result was fear, worry, and cheating God. This is how God's Word says it...
(Malachi 3:8 NLT) "Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! "But you ask, 'What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?' "You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me."
I have heard people say over and over again,
"That's great. I would love to give and honor the Lord. I just don't have the money to do that right now. I am barely able to pay my car payment. One day, I'll get ahead, and then I'll honor God. I know He understands."
The truth is... He does understand. He has given a promise for us all not to live in fear regarding finances. It is we who choose to either live in it or not. His love doesn't change. Our ability to walk in His blessing does.
Step Two: Become Financially Wise ✅
So, let's say you realize you live in this cycle of fear and worry. You are spending money to keep up and don't even remember how you got into this mess. Throughout the book of Proverbs, you can find various scriptures regarding saving, not spending all you have at once (budgeting), and living a contented life. This is the first step to having financial peace.
- One: Form a Budget of 10/10/80.
A budget is a predetermined way you will spend money. You can get specific with budgets that will vary greatly depending on what is going on in your life. This is a very general guideline to get you started.
10%- The first ten percent goes to God. We'll see why in the next step.
10%- Save. This is for retirement, unforeseen issues, future purchases, etc.
80%- everything else. Daily living, debt elimination, recurring bills, 'fun money," etc.
- Two: Give to God first.
In setting up a budget, giving the first ten percent to God as an act of worship is essential. You can see this theme throughout the Old Testament. We also offer to the Lord first because it shows trust and gratitude.
- Three: Be content and thankful.
Rearranging your finances in this way will cause you to likely realize you spend more than 80% of your income. You must cut some things out if you genuinely want to live peacefully. I have talked to many people who say it seemed impossible initially, but the peace they gained was well worth it. This may mean you eat at home more or don't buy as many coffees. What is your peace worth?
- Four: Watch God do miracles.
When you are financially responsible and place God first, He will always bless the rest. This is how miracles happen, and they happen all the time.
Step Three: Take a Tithing Challenge 💪
God's Word says this...
(Malachi 3:10-12 NLT) "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies, "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them against insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. "Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies."
What is a 90-day Tithe Challenge? A tithe challenge is giving God a chance to prove Himself faithful to you. For 90 days, keep track of your giving to the Lord. This can be as simple as writing it down in your phone's notes app or as complex as creating a massive spreadsheet. The bottom line is to be faithful and tithe to the Lord for 90 days. Keep track of your giving and watch what God does. You will enter into the blessing and favor of the Lord. This may or may not mean a financial benefit. We do not give to get. We give as an act of worship. However, God's favor and protection are always near to us. So, be faithful and watch God be overwhelmingly faithful to you in ways you cannot imagine.
Where should I tithe? As you can see in the text above, the Bible says we should bring all our tithe into the "storehouse." This would have been the temple for them and our local church for us. This is where you consistently go to church. Also, it says to bring it "all." That means we don't give part of it to the church and the rest to other places. It all goes to the local church. Then, you are invited to give above your tithe to various other ministries. That only compounds the ability for you to be a blessing to others. "What if I don't have a local church or I don't trust my local church?" This is a serious matter. Find a church you can plant yourself in and be faithful. If you cannot trust the church you attend, find one where you can.
Should I tithe off of gross or net? First, I would say to check your heart and motivation on this if you want to tithe off your net because you want to give God, Woah! Check that. I recommend tithing off your gross because, even if you don't see that money, it is still money you have earned.
Step Four: Trust God to do the Impossible 🤯
(Malachi 3:7 NLT) "Ever since the days of your ancestors, you have scorned my decrees and failed to obey them. Now return to me, and I will return to you," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. "But you ask, 'How can we return when we have never gone away?'"
God is more faithful than you can imagine.
He wants to show Himself faithful to you.
Someone once said,
"You can tell what someone values by checking their calendar and checkbook."
This is true. When you prioritize God in your finances, you rest with complete assurance that His blessing will be on your life.
Give it a try, and watch God do the impossible in your life.