Below is an ever-growing list of resources for this Christian Life. My hope is to constantly add information, links, and more so you can be equipped to become a study-ninja and have a well-grounded Biblical worldview.
1. π Books
I am constantly reading books and sometimes I even review them. (Click here) π€
2. π Free Internet Resources
- - Great for random Bible questions. Many of their articles lead to additional resources and I have not yet found a single article that I did not agree with.
- - It is hard to know where to begin with this resource. It offers so much. It gives for free what many ministry leaders pay thousands of dollars for. This is a great resource.
- - Great for doing Bible verse searches and Bible studies. I recommend the concordances and commentaries.
- - Great for Bible reading plans, topical studies, and so much more.
- - Great for reading different translations, topical references, and can even assist in some word studies.
- - Highly recommended. Great information through visual aids and video. This ministry is largely by Tim Mackie. In my opinion, Tim is one of the best Bible teachers out there right now. Enjoy.
3. Apologetics
If you have been around me very long, you know I love apologetics. Apologetics sounds like we are saying we are sorry, but nothing could be further from the truth. Apologetics is the defense of the faith. We need to learn what God's Word says and then learn how to defend it from other people and from our own doubts. Below are some of my favorite Christian Apologists. This does not mean I agree with everything they say or do. However, it means that I agree with most it and enough to recommend them to you.
Frank Turek-
Answers in Genesis-
J. Warner Wallace-
William Lane Craig-
Greg Koukl-
For more, visit my aplogetcis page here:

4. Study Bibles I Like
I admit to being a Bible junkie. I really like Study Bibles because you are able to get information directly with the text. Here are some of my current favorites...
The Swindoll Study Bible
The NIV Study Bible
The Nelson Study Bible
The Apologetics Study Bible
The HCSB Study Bible
The New Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible
The Zondervan Study Bible
The ESV Study Bible
The NET (Full Notes Edition) Bible
The Life Application Study Bible
The Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible
The Archaeological Study BIble
The Cultural Background Study Bible
5. Programs I Recommend
6. Hot Topics
LGBTQ Conversations
Anyone else willing to admit the church world has been struggling to have this conversation in a healthy way? π For a long time, all people heard from the church world was hate. Most of the church didn't hate anyone. They were afraid and didn't know how to travel these difficult waters. Because of this, the church went silent. Now, the world thinks all we want to do is "pray away the gay." We get ridiculed and maligned for trying to re-enter this space. Below are some great resources to help you understand the conversation and learn how to engage sexually broken people with love, truth, and compassion.
1. Book: Holy Sexuality
Author: Christopher Yuan
Link: Amazon Link
2. Book: Gay Girl, Good God
Author: Jackie Hill Perry
Link: Amazon Link
3. The Gospel Comes With A Housekey: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World
Author: Rosaria Butterfield
Link: Amazon Link
4. Book: A Change of Affection: A Gay Manβs Incredible Story of Redemption
Author: Becket Cook
Link: Amazon Link