- 3 min read

RRM- Move At the Speed of the Battle ⚔️

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Welcome to week five of "Real Man Monday." Last week, we discussed talking to our general every day. This week, we are going even deeper into the soul of a man of God.


Weeds grow quickly, but oak trees take years. If you want a quick fix to becoming a man of God, these videos are not for you. However, if you realize that becoming a man of God takes a lifetime, let's get started together.


To slowly grow into a man of God, one week at a time. Each week, we will look at a different aspect of being a man of God.

Let's Review

What is a man? Chuck Norris. What is a man of God? God's Word says in Micah 6:8,

"Mankind, he has told each of you what is good and what the Lord requires of you: to act justly, to love faithfulness, and to walk humbly with your God."

‭‭‬According to God, a man of God acts justly, loves faithfulness, and walks humbly with God.

  • Acts Justly- A protector of what is right and good. A defender.
  • Loves Faithfulness- Someone who is consistent. Dependable. Someone you can count on.
  • Walk Humbly Before the Lord- Someone who follows the Lord in submits to His leadership.

Today's topic: Move at the Speed of the Battle

In the video, we talked about the phrase, “Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.” The idea behind this is to realize that we are in a spiritual war. No matter who you are, you are in a spiritual battle. The good news is Jesus has already won the war are on the winning side. The bad news is we have to stand in that victory every day because there are still spiritual battles that occur over our minds and our freedom.

Here is the next truth you need to know: Most of the battles we fight are in our minds.

In order to liven freedom every day, we have to learn how to fight at the speed of battle. The speed of the battle is at the speed of thought. Therefore, in order to fight with the right types of weaponry, we must memorize God’s Word.

This week's challenge: Memorize God's Word (2 Timothy 1:7)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

What does this mean?

“God has not given us a spirit of fear.”

The word "fear" in this verse literally means cowardness. It means backing down from fearful things and running the other way.  God is not saying we will never feel fear. It says we have tools to deal with the fear we fear.

"He has given us power."

The power of the Holy Spirit works with us to give us the ability to withstand temptation, be consistent, stay faithful, and rebuke the enemy at every turn. No matter what you are facing, there is power in our all-powerful God to help you overcome anything.

"He has given us love."

The greatest thing we can know is we are fully loved by God, and His love gives us the confidence to move forward in the face of fear. Many times before important battles, the general or company leader would go before the army and remind them of his great love for his men and their love for their homeland. The hope was to inspire the men to face their fears and fight bravely. Before every spiritual battle, remember you are completely loved by your Heavenly Father. Nothing will ever change that.

"He has given us a sound mind."

This means our mind does not have to remain in chaos. We can walk with confidence and assurance that God is with us and for us in everything.

This does not mean we will never face battles. It means we never walk through them alone. Every time fear, anxiety, worry, or anything else tries to grip your heart, quote God’s Word. In doing this, you are moving at the speed of the battle and declaring victory over the enemy. God’s Word is strong and has a firm foundation.

Don't give up, men.
You're probably doing better than you realize.
We need you.
Your family needs you.
Your church needs you.
Your community needs you.