Like a good detective, let's examine this book.
🔥 Overview
Song of Solomon was originally known as the "Song of Songs." This comes from the first few words of this long poem. The Song of Songs is also one of the Old Testament's most controversial and debated books due to its focus on physical love. The Song of Songs aims to celebrate physical affection between a young man and a young woman. In this, there is nothing wrong. Though it sometimes makes us uncomfortable, it is what all people desire. This desire has been placed in our hearts by God. Therefore, within the proper boundaries He sets, God has given us love to be shared and enjoyed between a married couple.
🔍 Things to Notice
- This is written as Jewish love poetry.
- This is written to express the love between a young man and a woman.
- This also illustrates the pure joy of love given to us by God.
- There is a lot of figurative language.
🙏 Jesus in this Book
(Every book reveals the glory of God, displayed in Christ Jesus)
- Jesus is the Lilly of the Valley.
👀 Themes
- These folks really love each other.
- Love is pure and holy when shared within proper boundaries.
- Not everyone will share or appreciate our love for our spouse.
- Stay committed and in love with each other. This takes work and will not always be encouraged by others.
😀 Who?
Who wrote it? Possibly Solomon. He may have also overseen the production.
Who is the original audience? The nation of Israel.
🪧 Where?
Where are we? The United Kingdom of Israel.
⏳ When?
When was it written: Approximately 935 BC.
🤔 What?
What is the big idea? (From Gotquestions.org) Our world is confused about marriage. The prevalence of divorce and modern attempts to redefine marriage stand in glaring contrast to Solomon’s Song. Marriage, says the biblical poet, is to be celebrated, enjoyed, and revered. This book provides some practical guidelines for strengthening our marriages:
1) Give your spouse the attention he or she needs. Take the time to truly know your spouse.
2) Encouragement and praise, not criticism, are vital to a successful relationship.
3) Enjoy each other. Plan some getaways. Be creative, even playful, with each other. Delight in God’s gift of married love.
4) Do whatever is necessary to reassure your commitment to your spouse. Renew your vows; work through problems and do not consider divorce as a solution. God intends for you both to live in a deeply peaceful, secure love.
🧐 Why?
Why is this book important?
From Chuck Swindoll, "This book remains singular within the Old Testament for at least two reasons: its character as a single poem and its subject matter, particularly the frank discussion of love between a married couple. The Song of Solomon’s willingness to broach the topic of physical love within marriage has made many of its readers throughout history uncomfortable, so much so that Rabbi Aqiba had to vigorously defend the book’s place in the Jewish canon even as late as AD 90 at the Council of Jamnia.2 But as a testament to the beauty of the marriage relationship in its fullness, Song of Solomon stands out with its uniquely detailed vision of this beautiful reality.”
📝 How?
How can I apply it? The Song of Solomon aims to celebrate love within proper boundaries. There is nothing wrong with pure love between two committed people in the marriage covenant. The fullness of union takes place in marriage. This does not mean there will never be difficulties and hardships. It means you will stay committed through them and learn to walk together. When we understand this relationship's depth, we realize that God loves us even more than this.
Chuck Swindoll: Song of Solomon
Got Questions: Song of Solomon
The Bible Project: Song of Solomon
ESV.org: Song of Solomon