*This weekly newsletter will share about the Bible Breakdown podcast, things about RLC, and my favorite things from around the web. My prayer is it will help you know God better.
Hello friends. Happy Saturday! I hope you have had a great. This time of year, you are likely feeling the crunch of having more to do than time to do it. Don't forget, hurry squeezes out the presence of God. Fight for time with the Lord. It is always worth it.
🎙️ Behind the Breakdown Recap
Take the Bible Breakdown on the road. Many of you have told us you listen to the Bible Breakdown on the way to work. This is an awesome idea. Let us know if there any ways we can make this easier for you. Thank you for reading the Bible with us this month. The more we dig the more we find. Let us know what you are finding.
🎧 My Favorite BibleBreakdown Episode This Week>>>
My favorite episode this week: 1 Samuel 3.
📚 Speak Lord! We Are Listening. 💪
(1 Samuel 3:10) And the Lord came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel replied, “Speak, your servant is listening.”
Observation: God was calling out to Samuel. I will admit to being more in alignment with Eli than Samuel sometimes. I will have young Christians ask me how to hear God’s voice more, and I will give them programs, ideas, and next steps. However, when people feel the drawing of the Holy Spirit to dig deeper, sometimes the best thing we can do is sit in silence with the Lord. The best thing we can do is open our Bible and allow the still, small voice of the Lord to speak to us through His Word. The best way to hear God speak is through reading His Word. It is the chief way He has chosen to reveal Himself to us.
Application: Read God’s Word every day to hear His voice regularly.
Prayer: Thank You for giving us Your Word.

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✍️ Blog.
10 Proofs for the Existence of God. Have you ever wanted to have proofs to share with others about the existence of God? Here are some of the most popular.
🤔 Question of the Week.
What makes Christianity unique?
🖤 My Favorite Links This Week.
🤣 Fun. The Rick and Bubba Show. The Stutter That Got Away. (This is blast from my childhood. These guys were the funniest thing going and their ‘no-nonsense’ approach to life won the hearts of millions around the SouthEastern United States)
📣 Sermon. The Key You Need to Handling Your Problems. (Tony Evans)
🤔 Apologetics. Evolutionists Hate This But It’s True.
📚 Bible Project. The Meaning and Purpose of Anointing in the Bible.
🧠 Mental Health. Cognitive Dissonance… Learn how to deal with the gap between values and actions.
✍️ CS Lewis Animation. The Lie of Self-Help. (CS Lewis)
🔥 Hot Topic. Is the Creation Account of Genesis Real? (J Warner Wallace)
📚 Book of the Week. Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World. (Max Lucado) Does the uncertainty and chaos of life keep you up at night? Is irrational anxiety your constant companion? Let God help you win the war on worry and receive the lasting peace of Christ. We all experience anxiety, but we don’t have to let worry and fear control our lives. Anxious for Nothing, from New York Times bestselling author, Max Lucado, provides a roadmap for coping with and healing from anxiety. Complete with Lucado’s signature storytelling and relatable anecdotes, Anxious for Nothing invites you to study Philippians 4:6-7—the most highlighted passage of the Bible and any book on the planet according to Amazon. You will experience CALM as Max encourages you to:
- Celebrate God’s goodness
- Ask God for help
- Leave your concerns with God
- Meditate on good things
Stop letting anxiety rule the day. Join Max on the journey to true freedom and experience more peace, joy, clarity, physical renewal, and contentment by the power of the Holy Spirit.
🎧 Song of the Week. Alpha and Omega. (Israel Houghton)
✍️ Quote of the Week
I am convinced that a prayerless approach to God’s Word is a major reason for the low- level dissatisfaction that hums beneath the surface of our lives. — Matt Smethhurst
🤪 Dad Joke of the week
I wanted to thank everyone for sticking with me while I figured out the meaning of "many". It means a lot.
😂 Funniest meme of the week