The 8 Attributes of God
Question: What are the most basic attributes of God? Answer: According to Thomas Aquinas:
Question: What are the most basic attributes of God? Answer: According to Thomas Aquinas:
Question: If apologetics is the "job" of every Christian, what is the
Question: How can you believe in an All-Good God when evil exists? Answer: God
💡Short Answer: Read everything about logic and Christian philosophy basics. (For those who don&
At some point, Christianity is a matter of faith. Faith is believing in something
Question: Is truth objective? Short Answer: Yes. Truth is knowable, observable, testable, and defendable.
Question: If God is good, why is there evil? Short Answer: Is it possible
“I chose to believe the Bible because it’s a reliable collection historical documents
Have you ever heard the phrase, "My truth?" Have you ever heard