Like a good detective, let's examine this book.
🔥 Overview
Paul must have trusted Titus a lot. Titus appears to be his "fix it" man. We can see throughout the different letters that Paul continually sends Titus out to fix things and be his emissary where needed. Paul is encouraging Titus to fix the lacking things of the church in Crete and create various leadership pipelines. This letter is a great reminder that healthy churches is not easy, automatic, or even intuitive. However, bringing healthy order from chaos is what God has called godly leaders to do.
🔍 Things to Notice
- The job description for leaders.
- Paul's description of the Cretans. Rough people.
🙏 Jesus in this Book
(Every book reveals the glory of God, revealed in Christ Jesus)
- The Foundation of Truth
👀 Themes
- Encouraging right living
- Encouraging sound doctrine
- Proper leadership
😀 Who?
Who wrote it: The Apostle Paul
Martyred: Killed by Nero between 62 and 64 A.D. He beheaded. There were many more gruesome ways to die so this was considered a merciful death for a Roman citizen.
Who is the original audience: Titus. Titus was a fellow missionary with Paul and was sent by Paul to organize the churches in Crete. Titus must have been good at such things because he was also sent by Paul to Corinth and Dalmatia. More on Titus here.
🪧 Where?
Where are we: Paul writes to Titus from Nicopolis after his first release from prison in Rome.
⏳ When?
When was it written: 63 AD
🤔 What?
What is the big idea: The big idea of this letter is to empower Titus to bring order from chaos, establish a leadership pipeline, and establish a 'code of holiness' within the Christian community. Titus has a lot to do and Paul gives clear direction on what a healthy church should look like.
🧐 Why?
Why is this book important: Three summaries of the incarnation of Christ happen in the letter to Titus: 1:1-4, 2:11-14, 3:4-7. We can learn about the counter-cultural gospel that transforms lives and how to administer leadership within the church of God.
📝 How?
How can I apply it?: From Chuck Swindoll: How seriously do you consider your beliefs about God in the overall scheme of your life? The book of Titus reminds us that our beliefs about God impact every decision we make. Sometimes it is difficult for believers today to see the point of getting all worked up about the person and nature of Christ or the doctrine of the Trinity. However, Paul made clear that a church that teaches and preaches sound doctrine will see results in the lives of its people. Not only will people be saved from their sins, but God’s grace will also motivate them to live out that saving faith with renewed and purified lives.
Many churches today focus more on the form of their worship—music styles, lighting, and building designs—than they do on the content of the faith they mean to proclaim. And while the form of a church’s worship is vital to reaching its community for Christ, without a firm base of sound doctrine, the church will lay its foundation in shifting and sinking sand. Make doctrine a priority in your own life, as well as encourage it in your churches. Nothing is more significant than a solid foundation in Christ. Nothing is more motivational than grace to live a life of good deeds.

Quick Thoughts on Each Chapter
Chapter 1
Titus has a difficult job. The people of Crete are difficult, rough people. Titus has been sent to put things in order. The way we read about Crete in history, the modern term is it would be like “herding cats.” You can pick up this tone in the letter. God’s Word means business. The church is full of people. They may love Jesus, but they are still people. Therefore, we must organize everyone so we can all grow together in harmony.
Chapter 2
The second half of this chapter underscores the idea of the christian living as a “visitor” in this world. The idea of being “in” the world but not “of” the brokenness of the world is something that is a daily walk. We are not seeking to stand out. We are seeking freedom. Freedom is always worth it.
Chapter 3
V10-11- God’s Word deals with those who cause division as a cancer. They get a couple warnings, then we go to surgery. This may seem harsh at first until you think about what cancer does to your body. Gossip and division does the same thing to a local church community. This is the same with our families. We don’t disown people in our family. However, we confront someone who is bringing division because unity is worth it.
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