What We Know About Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) ๐Ÿค”
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash
- 2 min read

What We Know About Simeon (Luke 2:25-35) ๐Ÿค”

Question: What do we know about Simeon?
Answer: There are many people in the Bible that I wish we knew more about. One of those people is Simeon. Though he is only in a few verses, he significantly impacted the understanding of what was going through the minds of the Jewish people at the time of Jesus' birth.

Here are a few things we know for certain from the Biblical text:

  1. Righteous and Devout: Simeon was described as a righteous and devout man who demonstrated a strong relationship with God and a life aligned with His will (Luke 2:25).
  2. Filled with Expectation: Simeon was "waiting for the consolation of Israel," a reference to the Jewish hope for the Messiah who would bring comfort and deliverance (Luke 2:25).
  3. Guided by the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit was upon Simeon, revealing that he would not die before seeing the Messiah. This indicates his close relationship with God and sensitivity to divine guidance (Luke 2:25-27).
  4. Witness to the Messiah: When Simeon saw the infant Jesus at the temple, he recognized Him as fulfilling God's promise. He took Jesus in his arms, praising God and prophesying about Jesus' role as a light for the Gentiles and the glory of Israel (Luke 2:28-32).
  5. Prophetic Insight: Simeon blessed Mary and Joseph and prophesied about Jesus' future impact on the world, including the opposition He would face and the suffering Mary would endure (Luke 2:33-35).

Three Lessons We Can Learn from Simeon

1- We Can Live a Life of Faithful Expectation.

Simeon's life teaches us the importance of living with a sense of expectancy for God's promises. He waited faithfully for the Messiah, trusting God's timing and plans were perfect. This encourages us to remain faithful and patient while awaiting God's work. If God has been faithful in the past and moved Heaven and Earth to come to us, He will be faithful today.

2- We Can Stay Attuned to the Holy Spirit.

Simeonโ€™s ability to recognize Jesus as the Messiah resulted from being filled with and guided by the Holy Spirit. This challenges us to cultivate a life sensitive to the Spirit's leading through prayer, Scripture, and obedience. The Holy Spirit is the 3rd Person of the Godhead and just as much God as the Father and Son. He walks with us in daily fellowship. This relationship is what God's Word calls a "foretaste" of the glory to come. One of our greatest joys is to walk with the Lord daily.

3- We Can Recognize Jesus as the Fulfillment of Godโ€™s Promises.

Simeon saw Jesus as the light for the nations and the hope of salvation. This reminds us to center our lives on Jesus, acknowledging Him as the fulfillment of God's promises and the source of true peace and salvation.

Focusing on Advent during the holiday season is a way to remember that God is faithful. The people of the time were waiting and hoping for the King to come, and He did. We wait on God for various things in our lives. If He was faithful before, He will be faithful again. Remembering this fills us with great hope.